Monday, April 11, 2011

Reshaping the oval

I'm short. So, if I gain a heap of weight, I'm going to be shaped like an oval. That's no good. So, to fight the battle of the bulge, I bought Turbofire last month. Yes, the commercials got me. Today makes the first day of my third week.

I'm not going to lie, Turbofire is rough. My fitness level is nearly non-existent, and my activity level is slightly under couch potato. I should have started off with something easier. Why didn't I? I didn't want to. I didn't want to buy something else that I would use for a few days and then politely tuck away in a drawer, toss in the corner of a closet, or hide amongst dvds I'll likely never ever ever watch again.

I have to follow the person that does modified versions of the moves most of the time, but sometimes I can do the regular stuff.  I don't make it through some of the workouts. Like today, I did 30 minutes of the Fire 45 EZ workout. That means I didn't make it the last 15 minutes, but I made it 10 minutes longer than I did last time. Maybe when I do it later this week, I'll be able to go 5 more minutes.

I don't get upset when I don't finish. I always try to do my best and to do a little more the next time around. I can never feel like a failure like that.

So what was it about the infomercials that got me? I liked the music. I've always loved music, and I know I will not work out if I am bored. The music is pretty good on the dvds, and the instructor, Chalene, isn't annoying. She isn't overly peppy or too laid back. She's just the right amount of in-your-face and supportive home girl. I'll let you know how it goes.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Green Peppers or Poverty

Let me tell you one thing: I am not going broke over green peppers. Last week, I was at Walmart. I use green peppers in most of my food. It's a habit I got into thanks to my husband. But hunny, I moseyed over to the produce section thinking I was going to get three or four green peppers. I didn't pick up peppers, but I did let out a giant "DAMMIT!" $1.88 for a single pepper that wasn't as big as my fist.

Why does it cost more to buy healthy foods than junk foods? If we're fat as a nation and there's a push to eat healthier foods, then why aren't healthier foods more affordable? I may have to learn how to garden, and I hate dirt! Wait, maybe I can try one of those topsy turvy things. Has anyone actually tried one of those? I saw one in that same Walmart as I was angrily standing in line (still upset about the peppers). I know there's a picture of tomatoes on the box, but you grow other stuff with it? I may have to do some research. All I know is, something's gotta give.