Let me tell you one thing: I am not going broke over green peppers. Last week, I was at Walmart. I use green peppers in most of my food. It's a habit I got into thanks to my husband. But hunny, I moseyed over to the produce section thinking I was going to get three or four green peppers. I didn't pick up peppers, but I did let out a giant "DAMMIT!" $1.88 for a single pepper that wasn't as big as my fist.
Why does it cost more to buy healthy foods than junk foods? If we're fat as a nation and there's a push to eat healthier foods, then why aren't healthier foods more affordable? I may have to learn how to garden, and I hate dirt! Wait, maybe I can try one of those topsy turvy things. Has anyone actually tried one of those? I saw one in that same Walmart as I was angrily standing in line (still upset about the peppers). I know there's a picture of tomatoes on the box, but you grow other stuff with it? I may have to do some research. All I know is, something's gotta give.